Sunday 2 October 2011

This is it....

If I could lose a kilo for every minute I spend multitasking being on 'the web' and behind some downloaded TV show, then I wouldn't be needing this blog, I wouldn't be sitting on the brink of something so big, I wouldn't be lying in bed every night for the past fortnight wondering how I'm going to juggle family, life and a commitment so big that it is my Armageddon.

But here I am, one week into my 12 week commitment to Michelle Bridges, her team of experts and their promise that I can be fit, lean and in total health and wellbeing before the Christmas parties.

This is a time where I will watch and count my calories, be out exercising 5 days of the week and restricting all alcohol and naughty foodies in the ever pursuit of winning my body back.

So......I'm putting it out there.  All my secrets, all my bashfulness, the stripped naked me.

I was a borderline Obese 88kg when I received the email from Huggies about the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation.... 'Come and join for $199' and so I did.  I was worried about how my husband would react to my spending the money to join.  Was worried about myself holding the commitment.  Is this going to be another situation where I throw good money away.  Money I'm not working to earn, but my dear husband?!  Miserable and depressed, I read through all the information.  Reading that I will have my eating plan and shopping list pre-prepared for me, I thought I'd found my winning ticket just in that.  I could justify to my husband spending the $200 just so that he would have meals prepared when he walked in the door, rather than my blank face staring at him saying "What do you feel like for dinner? I didn't pull anything out of the freezer!".

But in true marital vow style, "your greatest support", he is following me through this.  Eating his way to happy health too.  Ahhh, gotta love 'im.

So guys, my friends, my followers, this is my goal and key to stay committed; to share with you the trys and tribulations of being a mum, a wife, a student and a friend.  My time to put a bit of me first.

So, right food to the grind!

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