Sunday 2 October 2011

Ah Mediterranean.......

When you think 'Mediterranean'.... you think, crystal clear turquoise waters, warm tanned skin under the perfect blue sky, sharp white architecture perched upon grassy green hilltops, scrumptious vine vegetables, crisp and in abundance......or, should I say, that's what I picture anyway.

So let me tell you, when I read todays lunch recipe, a Mediterranean Vegetable Sandwich with Basil Ricotta (300 Cal), I was transported to another place.  I pictured myself nestled into a wicker chair sitting under a canopy of grape vines.  A glass of sparkling water leaving condensation rings on the table next to my perfectly made European sandwich.

The reality of the matter however is that I was perched on a second hand wooden bar stool in front of my four month old son who was in his highchair complaining about God knows what.

But, let me just say, I read the recipe and wondered how I would go stomaching artichoke, one thing NOT on my 'I like to eat that' menu list in my head, but with faith in Michelle Bridges, or her team of chef's, I am willing to give anything a go in the faith they will make me thin while giving me delicious  tasting food to do it!

What an absolute delight!!!  It lived up to my Mediterranean dream and I can't wait to eat that again.  Who knew char-grilling some European vegies and popping them on bread with some Ricotta Basil & Aritchoke would be so delightful!

This little lunch time number is definitely a goer!!

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